Sunday School 9:30 AM | Worship Service 10:30 AM | Every Week

Sunday School 9:30 AM | Worship Service 10:30 AM | Every Week
Our church was founded in 1950 and has served the Claycomo and Kansas City community ever since. We exist to be an blessing to our community by loving our neighbors and sharing the good news of Christ.
We believe that connections are best built around the study of the Bible. Our Sunday School (for all ages), TeamKids, and g412 Youth Ministry are great places to begin relationships.
Our musical style in worship is a blend of traditional hymns, modern hymns, and praise choruses. Our choir and worship team offer opportunities for vocalists & musicians to use their talents to help lead our worship.
Join us as we study the books of 1st & 2nd Peter
In case you missed our 2024 Christmas Cantata, you can check it out here! We are so thankful for the incredible job that the choir did!
Claycomo Baptist Church's core beliefs align with the Baptist Faith & Message, adopted in the year 2000
If you are interested in joining Claycomo Baptist Church, we invite you to "come forward" during the hymn of invitation at the conclusion of a worship service and speak with the pastor.
Follow us to watch our weekly live-streamed worship services
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Here is our latest livestream
Scott joined Claycomo as Pastor in January 2008. Scott had served in children's, youth, and pastoral ministries prior to joining us at Claycomo. He earned his undergraduate degree from Oklahoma Baptist University & received his Masters of Divinity degree from Mid-America Baptist Theological Seminary.
Scott and his wife Rhonda have two adult sons and one grandson
Jamie joined the church staff as Worship Pastor in 2015 and assumed the role of Youth Pastor in 2022. Jamie was born and raised in Rex, GA, and has now been in Kansas City for over 24 years.
Jamie and his wife, Becky have three children.
Each week we provide a playlist of the music for the upcoming service, so that everyone has the opportunity to familiarize themselves with the worship for the week and also to provide songs that can be an encouragement throughout the week.
If you are unable to give in person, we have the option to give online through PayPal. Just click the button below.
Weekly Schedule
Sunday School - 9:30am
Worship Service - 10:30am
g412 Youth - 6:00pm
TeamKids - 6:30pm
Prayer Meeting - 6:30pm
312 East Longfellow Street, Claycomo, Missouri 64119, United States