Sunday School 9:30 AM | Worship Service 10:30 AM | Every Week **Spring Forward 3/8**
Sunday School 9:30 AM | Worship Service 10:30 AM | Every Week **Spring Forward 3/8**
Claycomo has a strong choir ministry with both a general choir as well as a cantata choir each year for Christmas
Choir Director: Becky Cartledge
Our children's ministry provides opportunities for children Pre-K to 5th grade to learn from God's Word in an encouraging environment. We have Sunday School & Children's Worship on Sundays and TeamKids on Wednesdays
Children's Leader: Karen Davis
Our youth ministry is for Middle and High School students from 6-12th grade. We have Sunday School each week and g412 Youth each Wednesday night. The youth also typically have extra events every few weeks as well as attending camp each summer.
Youth Pastor: Jamie Cartledge